Ukrainian Scientific Research Institute for Non-Destructive Testing


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Practical seminar “Features of the practical examination in comparison with European and national standardized documents”

November 26, 2009 in the Research-training center "Testing and diagnostics" (Moscow) was passed a practical seminar "Features of the practical examination in comparison with European and national standardized documents". The seminar was a "jubilee" – the Research-training center "Testing and diagnostics" was 15 years old. The seminar was attended by examiners working in certification systems PCB "RTC. Testing and diagnostics", PCB "Euro Standard. Certification for NDT" and PCB "UkrSRINDT" (Ukraine). Features of realization procedures and evaluative criteria of practical examination in the Ultrasonic testing (UT) and Radiographic testing (RT) in accordance with requirements of national and European standards were viewed at the seminar. During the seminar were compared the valuations of the quality of the same specimens obtained on the basis of UT results in accordance with EN1714, EN1712, VSN 012-88, OP 501 and RD ROSEK-001-96, examination forms and other materials. The seminar was held in a creative and business-like atmosphere, the seminar attendees called for the regular holding of such seminars for NDT. The good organization of the seminar should be also noted.

Congratulation with jubilee form PCB "UkrSRINDT" (Director of the RTC "Testing and Diagnostics" Volkova Nadezda and Deputy Head of the PCB "UkrSRINDT" Radko Vitaliy )

Display board

Screen of flaw detector on board

Flow detector, specimens and Examiner

Seminar attendees

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